Coinbase, Exchanges

Why Can’t I Verify My ID on Coinbase?

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to verify your ID on Coinbase. The most common reason is that your information doesn’t match what is on file with the government.

This can happen if you have moved since you last updated your information or if there is a typo in your name or date of birth.

Another reason why you may not be able to verify your ID is if you are trying to use an unsupported document. Coinbase only accepts certain types of government-issued IDs, such as a passport or driver’s license.

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase does not allow users to verify their identity using a mobile device, so please make sure you have a laptop or desktop computer available when verifying your ID. Additionally, Coinbase may reject certain types of government-issued IDs depending on the country you are located in. If Coinbase does not accept your ID, please contact their customer support immediately.

If you are trying to use a different type of ID, such as a birth certificate or social security card, you will not be able to verify your identity.

If you are still having trouble verifying your ID, there may be an issue with the photo that you are uploading. Make sure that the photo is clear and shows all of the information that is required.

The photo should also be in color and should not be more than six months old. If you are still having trouble, you can reach out to Coinbase support for help.

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