Assets, Ethereum

What Is 21Shares Ethereum ETP?

21Shares Ethereum ETP is an exchange traded product that tracks the price of Ethereum. It is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and is backed by a physical reserve of Ethereum.

The 21Shares Ethereum ETP is designed to provide investors with exposure to the price movement of Ethereum, without the need to own or manage a digital wallet. The product is physically backed by a reserve of Ethereum tokens and is traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange, one of the world’s largest stock exchanges.

The 21Shares Ethereum ETP has a total expense ratio of 0.95%, which is relatively low for an exchange traded product.

NOTE: WARNING: 21Shares Ethereum ETP is a digital asset-backed security that is not a traditional investment product and is subject to risks associated with the underlying cryptocurrencies, such as price volatility and regulatory uncertainty. This security may not be suitable or appropriate for all investors, so it is important to research the risks associated with this type of investment. Additionally, 21Shares Ethereum ETP does not provide any protection against losses should the value of the underlying asset decline.

The product is denominated in Swiss francs and has a minimum investment amount of 100 francs.

The 21Shares Ethereum ETP is one of the few products that provides investors with exposure to the price of Ethereum. The product is physically backed by a reserve of Ethereum tokens and is traded on a major stock exchange.

The ETF has a low expense ratio and is denominated in Swiss francs, making it an attractive option for investors looking for exposure to this growing asset class.

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