The MoneroV hard-fork has been successfully executed and launched publicly with all dependencies available on the MoneroV GitHub repository. We are happy to say that since Mainnet launch we are seeing tremendous support both from long-time community members, new XMV coin holders, miners, and many 3rd party services and eco-systems interested in the project and future development.

Since Mainnet launch and the release of the MoneroV wallet, many community members have downloaded and synced with the blockchain, miners are successfully maintaining a stable network, several exchanges have already credited and listed XMV, and minor bug fixes have been handled.

We are excited to say that the beginning of the project proves to be a great success, and a positive indicator on the future path of MoneroV being a leading decentralized, finite, and truly private currency. Thank you for supporting the network and helping the MoneroV blockchain being decentralized. The team is working hard on further development, a technical bounty program, bug fixes, 3rd party integrations and much more.

Please take the time to catch up with some common questions and clarifications:

Updates and Clarifications

+ You can find community guides on safely claiming XMV here, and here. In-depth information about mining XMV can be found here. The only official Github repository is available here. There is NO closed-source software related to MoneroV.

We have yet to release official full nodes to avoid centralization and having as many full nodes supporting the network. Please sync with a full local node rather than using a third-party remote node at this time. As the network grows, remote nodes will be made available for you to use in the future. Please be patient for the blockchain to fully sync. We thank you for supporting the network!

Many pools have already enabled XMV mining including,,, among others.

+ MoneroV incorporated a new unique difficulty adjustment algorithm that helped mitigating attacks on the network including block mining difficulty manipulations and lagging. Two-way replay protection is in place – transactions on the Monero network could not be replayed on the new MoneroV blockchain and vice-versa.

+ MoneroV incorporates the new cryptonight algorithm variation for mitigating ASIC mining. MoneroV is not related to any other coin and has its own development path.

+ The community is growing rapidly! We have launched the community & ambassador program. Be sure to check it out and join the discussion on Telegram and follow us on Twitter.


Common Q&A

Q: I am seeing 1:1 ratio of XMV:XMR instead of the promised 10:1, why?

A: You need to be fully synced with the XMV blockchain to show the correct amount of XMV you are credited with. Check if you are fully synced until the latest block as a local node. Close the wallet from ‘Settings’ tab and re-launch it, try to ’Rescan Balance’ from the Settings tab If the problem persists. Import by mnemonic seed / private keys rather than the keys file.

Q: I’m not able to connect with the blockchain, is the network down?

A: MoneroV is a decentralized, peer to peer network. Avoiding centralization means somewhat of a slow beginning, but a robust P2P network that grows for years to come. Please be patient when synchronizing to the network, it will catch up soon.

Q: The wallet is not loading/crashing on execution, why?

A: Launch the wallet using the ‘start low graphics mode’ option.

Q: How can I mine XMV?

A: You can solo mine or join a pool that supports CryptoNoteV7 mining. See the full mining guide here.

Q: I keep getting an error with Monerovd.exe crashing/refusing to run, why??

A: If you are using windows, the GUI is bringing up a false positive with Windows Defender/Antivirus. Try disabling them and running the GUI/Daemon again.

Q: I am seeing 0 XMV after claiming from my seed?

A: You need to be fully synced with the XMV blockchain to show the correct amount of XMV you are credited with. Please check if you are fully synced until the latest block as a local node. Import mnemonic seed instead of .keys file.

Q: When will other exchanges such as HitBTC, Bittrex and Bithumb list XMV?

A: The MoneroV team is in talks with exchanges to adopt, credit and list XMV. We have confirmation that Bithumb has acknowledged and prepared for the recent snapshot, with the possibility of listing and crediting XMV in the future. HitBTC is working on implementing the blockchain and listing MoneroV soon and can be contacted by their support system and recent pinned Reddit thread. Get int ouch with your exchange or custodian service for help with crediting and listing.

We want to thank the community and supporters that are making this happen! If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us, or see the recent FAQ and updates post for more information.

Be sure to get in touch! Official MoneroV links:


Twitter (Community)

Official Website

Blockchain Explorer 


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Official SubReddit

Official ANN Thread

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