Coinbase, Exchanges

Is Zurcoin on Coinbase?

Zurcoin is a digital asset and peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that was created in 2014. The Zurcoin team is based out of Australia and New Zealand. The Zurcoin blockchain is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. Zurcoin is mineable using the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm and has a block time of 60 seconds.

The total supply of Zurcoin is 21 million ZUR. Zurcoin is traded on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges including Bittrex, Upbit, and Cryptopia.

NOTE: Warning: Zurcoin is not currently available on Coinbase. Investing in or trading with any cryptocurrency carries significant risk and potential losses. Do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency and always consult a financial advisor.

Zurcoin has a number of features that make it unique including its use of the Zero-Knowledge Proof protocol which allows for anonymous transactions. Zurcoin also has a decentralized governance system called Zurnode which allows for community involvement in the governance of the Zurcoin network.

So, is Zurcoin on Coinbase? Unfortunately, at this time Coinbase does not support Zurcoin. However, given Coinbase’s recent announcement that they are exploring the addition of new assets, it’s possible that Coinbase will add support for Zurcoin in the future.

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