Assets, Bitcoin

How Do I Download Bitcoin Core?

Bitcoin Core is a full node Bitcoin wallet and therefore requires the entire blockchain to be downloaded. As of March 2019, that is close to 260 gigabytes.

Fortunately, you can prune the blockchain to take up less space.

NOTE: WARNING: Bitcoin Core is a powerful application that requires a large amount of disk space and memory to run correctly. Before downloading and installing it, please make sure your computer is capable of running the software without impacting other applications or crashing. Additionally, due to the high volatility of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, any funds you transfer or store using Bitcoin Core should be done so with caution, as there is always a risk when dealing with digital assets.

Once you have downloaded the Bitcoin Core wallet, you will need to sync it with the network which can take a couple days depending on your connection speed. After it is synced, you will be able to use your Bitcoin Core wallet to receive and spend Bitcoins.

To download Bitcoin Core, head to the website and click on the “Download Bitcoin Core” button.

Once the download is complete, open up the file and install the wallet. Once it is installed, open up the wallet and let it sync with the network. After it is done syncing, you will be able to use your Bitcoin Core wallet!.

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