Since the successful mainnet launch, we are excited to see the enormous support the MoneroV movement is receiving by the community, miners, privacy-focused projects, exchanges, 3rd party services and the blockchain sphere as a whole. XMV is shaping up to be a leading privacy-focused, decentralized cryptocurrency to be used across the globe.

MoneroV is the first and only cryptonight fork with two-way replay protection, as well as a maintained blockchain and network with a vibrant community. Regarding exchanges and 3rd-parties support including HitBTC, ShapeShift, MinerGate and others – It is 100% on their teams to credit or list XMV. The blockchain is fully operational and has been easily integrated into many services. Our team is available to help integrate MoneroV into capable and willing services who are ready to do so.

+ The network’s hash rate has been kept healthy since launch. Be sure to support small and medium size pools listed below to help the MoneroV network staying decentralized:,, .

Say hello to our community’s Steemit account! We are hosting weekly contests, updates and ongoing information about CryptoNote and privacy-related blockchain content. See our recent Steemit CryoptoNote update here.

+ The community is growing fast! The team is looking for talented developers and community managers to join the project. Be sure to check out the community & ambassador program, join the discussion on Telegram and follow us on Twitter.

Cryptonote Double Counting Outs Bug Fix

A recent bug in the Monero wallet, which MoneroV is derived from, was discovered recently. When a transaction included a malicious hash comprised of double pubkeys, the receiver’s wallet could possibly count the sum transferred twice if it used a specific function to read the incoming transfer.

While this is only a read-only bug as coins are not being sent twice in reality, rather the receiving end could mistakingly log the transfer amount twice, it is still very significant for exchanges and third-party custodian services. We are glad to be one of the first Cryptonote based project to implement a fix for this bug and strongly advise other Cryptonote and Monero based projects to use our fix on github.

Web Wallet and Remote Node Update

The MoneroV web wallet development is finished but currently held back from being published due to the recent security issues that are occurring in web wallets such as MyMonero – Monero’s web wallet. As many Monero users report missing funds and connectivity issues using it. We will publish the web wallet at a time we have maximum assurances from third-party auditors regarding its safety, something that was not done properly in many similar projects, as the security of user’s funds is our top priority.


We have also investigated the use of a Telegram based wallet solution which is easily accessed via the web client and a mobile device. As the top priority is the security of funds and reliability, this is not a viable solution as of now for us to release to the community.

In the meanwhile, we are publishing an official MoneroV remote node that will be fully maintained. An official remote node will enable MoneroV users and third-party applications a fast way to access the blockchain without the need to download it.

The address for the remote node is and can be accessed both by the GUI and CLI wallets:

GUI Wallet

In the Settings tab under “Wallet mode” choose “Remote Node“. Enter the below details and click “Connect“:

Port: 19091

The wallet now should indicate that it is connected to a remote node and your wallet’s transaction history is going to get synched.

CLI Wallet:

To use the MoneroV CLI Wallet with a remote node simply start the wallet using the following command:

monerov-wallet-cli --daemon-address

Please note that using the official remote node or any other remote node is not recommend as it decreases your privacy and is less reliable than having a local copy of the blockchain. This service is given “AS IS” and the MoneroV team and anyone connected to it will not be liable to any loss of funds or damage that might occur to you by using it or its related services. Use it at your own risk.

Self Hosted Block Explorers and Remote Nodes

We are thankful for the community members who are taking initiative to further expand the reach and accessibility of MoneroV. Recently, more remote nodes were made available by Baikal Pool (IP Port 6358), and at least one more block explorer was created by NoobXMV pool at


Join the MoneroV Team

Our development and community teams are expanding and looking for qualified, energetic members to join this exciting blockchain project. If you are thrilled working on a leading privacy crypto-currency, get in touch by emailing us at [email protected]. Available positions include –

  • C++ developer with proven knowledge working on a CryptoNote based coin. Should have a deep understanding of blockchain technology. Full or part-time work opportunity to work on the core MoneroV codebase.
  • C++ developer with at least two years of Qt experience and experience with blockchain protocols. Full or part-time work opportunity to work on the MoneroV GUI.
  • Community and outreach manager with proven knowledge working on a CryptoNote / Privacy based blockchain project. Help expand social media reach, outreach campaigns and be in charge of 3rd party merchant integration (to include XMV)  from start to finish.

Common Q&A

Q: I am seeing 1:1 ratio of XMV:XMR instead of the promised 10:1, why?

A: You need to be fully synced with the XMV blockchain to show the correct amount of XMV you are credited with. Check if you are fully synced until the latest block as a local node. Close the wallet from ‘Settings’ tab and re-launch it, try to ’Rescan Balance’ from the Settings tab If the problem persists. Import by mnemonic seed / private keys rather than the keys file. Another reason could be that you tried to import an XMR wallet rather than importing by the seed key.

Watch – Get 10:1 instead of 1:1 XMV:XMR Error Fix:

Q: I’m not able to connect with the blockchain, is the network down?

A: MoneroV is a decentralized, peer to peer network. Avoiding centralization means somewhat of a slow beginning, but a robust P2P network that grows for years to come. Please be patient when synchronizing to the network, it will catch up soon. You can alternatively use a remote node.

Q: The wallet is not loading/crashing on execution, why?

A: Launch the wallet using the ‘start low graphics mode’ option.

Watch – MoneroV GUI Wallet Crash/Antivirus Fix in Windows

Q: How can I mine XMV?

A: You can solo mine or join a pool that supports CryptoNoteV7 mining. See the full mining guide here.

Q: I keep getting an error with Monerovd.exe crashing/refusing to run, why??

A: If you are using windows, the GUI is bringing up a false positive with Windows Defender/Antivirus. Try disabling them and running the GUI/Daemon again.

Q: I am seeing 0 XMV after claiming from my seed?

A: You need to be fully synced with the XMV blockchain to show the correct amount of XMV you are credited with. Please check if you are fully synced until the latest block as a local node. Import mnemonic seed instead of .keys file.

Q: When will other exchanges such as HitBTC, Bittrex and Bithumb list XMV?

A: The MoneroV team is in talks with exchanges to adopt, credit and list XMV. We have confirmation that Bithumb has acknowledged and prepared for the recent snapshot, with the possibility of listing and crediting XMV in the future. HitBTC is working on implementing the blockchain and listing MoneroV soon and can be contacted by their support system and recent pinned Reddit thread. Get in touch with your exchange or custodian service for help with crediting and listing.

Be sure to get in touch! Official MoneroV links:


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