Assets, Ethereum

Can I Sell Ethereum on Coinify?

Yes, you can sell Ethereum on Coinify. We offer two different types of sell orders: Sell orders and trade orders.

Sell orders are the simplest way to sell your Ethereum. All you need is a wallet that supports ETH and we will take care of the rest. We will generate a unique deposit address for you and you simply need to send your ETH to that address.

NOTE: WARNING: Selling Ethereum on Coinify involves risks, so please make sure you understand the nature of cryptocurrency and the potential for losses before attempting to sell Ethereum on Coinify. Cryptocurrencies are not regulated by any government or central bank, so you should be aware that there is a risk of price volatility. Additionally, as with any digital currency, there is an inherent risk that your account may be subject to unauthorized access or malicious attacks. Please ensure that you properly secure your account and use caution when trading on Coinify.

Once we receive the ETH, we will credit your account with the corresponding amount of EUR or USD. The whole process usually takes less than 10 minutes.

Trade orders are a bit more complicated but they offer more features. With a trade order, you can choose to be the maker or taker. If you choose to be the maker, you will need to set the price at which you want to sell your ETH. Once someone matches your order, the trade will be executed and you will receive the corresponding amount of EUR or USD.

If you choose to be the taker, you will need to choose an existing sell order from the orderbook and your ETH will be sold at that price. The trade will be executed immediately and you will receive the corresponding amount of EUR or USD.

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