Binance, Exchanges

Can I Buy IOTX on Binance?

If you’re looking to buy IOTX on Binance, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll show you how to buy IOTX on Binance using either Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH).

IOTX is the native cryptocurrency of the IoTeX Network, a next-generation blockchain platform designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoTeX Network aims to empower the IoT ecosystem with a privacy-protecting foundation that scales linearly with device growth.

IOTX is an ERC20 token that will be swapped for IoTeX’s mainnet token upon mainnet launch.

If you don’t have any BTC or ETH, you can first purchase some on another exchange like Coinbase. Once you have BTC or ETH, you’re ready to start buying IOTX on Binance.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to buying IOTX on Binance:

Step 1: Create an account on Binance

To buy IOTX on Binance, you first need to create an account on the exchange. Visit Binance.

com and click “Register” in the top right corner of the screen.

Enter your email address and create a strong password. Note that you’ll also need to set up 2-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.

Once you’ve entered all the required information, click “Register.”.

You should now see a message that says “A confirmation email has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link in the email to activate your account.

” Check your inbox for an email from Binance with the subject line “Welcome to Binance! Activate Your Account Now!” and click on the “Activate Account Now!” button.

NOTE: This warning note is to inform users that buying IOTX on Binance is not recommended. IOTX is a digital asset and its price can be volatile and unpredictable. There is no guarantee that you will make any money from buying IOTX on Binance, and there is a high risk of losing your investment. Before engaging in any digital asset transactions, please ensure that you are aware of the risks involved and make sure you do your own research.

Step 2: Log in to your account and deposit BTC or ETH into your Binance wallet

Once you’ve activated your account, log in and hover over the “Funds” tab at the top of the screen and then click “Balances.” This will bring up a list of all the cryptocurrencies that are available to trade on Binance.

Find BTC or ETH in the list and click on the “Deposit” button next to it.

A new window will pop up with your BTC or ETH deposit address. Copy this address and head over to Coinbase (or wherever else you bought BTC or ETH) and send some BTC or ETH to this address.

It may take a few minutes for your deposit to show up in your Binance wallet. Once it does, move on to Step 3.

Step 3: Buy IOTX on Binance using BTC or ETH

With BTC or ETH in your Binance wallet, it’s time to start buying IOTX! Hover over the “Exchange” tab at the top of screen and click “Basic.” This will take you to Binance’s basic trading interface where we can buy IOTX using BTC or ETH.

On the right side of the screen, make sure that BTC (or ETH) is selected under Choose Market > Market > Spot/Margin trading . Then find IOTX/BTC (or IOTX/ETH) in Choose Market > Spot/Margin trading > Markets and click it .

We now need to enter how much IOTX we want Buy(Max amount available) . We can also set a Limit price if we don’t want our order filled immediately at market price .

For this guide we will just leave it at market price . To do so , make sure Limit Price is selected under Order Type , then find 25% below last traded price Or 75% above last traded price in Select Trigger Price ,and finally click Buy Market .

Your order is now placed! It may take a few minutes for your order to be filled and for IOTX tokens to show up in your balances list under Funds > Balances . But once it does , congratulations—you’ve successfully bought IOTX on Binance !

Can I Buy IOTX on Binance? – Conclusion
Yes, You can buy Iotx on binance with either Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH).

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