Assets, Ethereum

Are Most NFTs on Ethereum?

It’s no secret that the Ethereum blockchain is the go-to platform for most NFT projects and developers. The reasons for this are numerous, but can be boiled down to a few key factors:

Ethereum’s smart contract functionality is unrivaled in the market, allowing for the creation of complex NFTs with unique properties and behaviors.

The Ethereum network is also highly decentralized, which is important for ensuring the security and immutability of NFTs.

NOTE: Warning: While many Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are built on the Ethereum blockchain, there is no guarantee that all NFTs will be created or remain on Ethereum. It is possible for projects to switch to other blockchains or create their own. Additionally, NFTs are still an experimental asset class and investors should exercise caution when purchasing them.

Finally, Ethereum has by far the largest community of developers and users of any blockchain platform, which makes it easier to find talent and collaborators for NFT projects.

All of these factors have led to a situation where the vast majority of NFTs are built on Ethereum. In fact, according to data from NonFungible.

com, over 90% of all NFTs currently in existence are stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

This dominance is unlikely to change anytime soon, as Ethereum continues to be the most popular platform for launching new NFT projects. So if you’re thinking about getting involved in the world of NFTs, it’s a good idea to start by learning about Ethereum and how to develop on its blockchain.

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