Assets, Ethereum

How Many Decimals Is Ethereum?

As of July 2018, Ethereum has a market capitalization of over $41 billion, and its price has been as high as $1,422.53.

Each ETH token is worth $744.86.

There are currently 97,863,956 ETH in circulation, and the total supply is not expected to exceed 120,000,000 ETH.

NOTE: Warning: Ethereum is a digital currency and therefore has no decimal points. It is not possible to determine how many decimal points Ethereum has, as it is not a physical currency. Any attempt to determine the number of decimal points in Ethereum will not be accurate or reliable.

Ethereum’s small decimal places (18) help to ensure that prices don’t fluctuate too wildly, and also help to make ETH more divisible and therefore more useful as a currency.

The vast majority of ETH transactions happen on exchanges, where prices are typically quoted to 8 decimal places. However, some Dapps (decentralized applications) allow users to trade in much smaller amounts, down to 1/100000000th of an ETH (0.

00000001 ETH).

So how many decimals is Ethereum? It depends on how you’re using it, but typically 8-18 decimal places.

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