Binance, Exchanges

Why Is Electroneum Not on Binance?

As of July 2019, Electroneum (ETN) is not yet listed on Binance. While there is no official reason why this is the case, there are a few potential explanations.

1) Binance may be waiting for Electroneum to become more established before listing it. ETN is still a relatively new coin, having only launched in September 2017.

Binance may want to see more adoption and use of the coin before listing it on their exchange.

NOTE: WARNING: Electroneum is not yet listed on Binance and there is no guarantee that it ever will be. Investing in Electroneum without the assurance of a Binance listing carries a significant risk. Do your research and invest responsibly.

2) Binance may be waiting for Electroneum to list on another major exchange before listing it themselves. This could be seen as a sort of vote of confidence in the coin from another exchange.

3) Binance may simply not be interested in listing Electroneum at this time. This could be for any number of reasons, such as the coin not fitting with their current listing criteria or not meeting their standards in some other way.

Whatever the reason, it is currently not possible to trade Electroneum on Binance. However, this could change in the future if the coin becomes more popular and/or more exchanges list it.

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