Assets, Ethereum

Which Language Is Used for Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

In order to build decentralized applications on Ethereum, you need to use a programming language. There are currently 8 languages you can use to program on Ethereum: Solidity, Serpent, LLL, Mutan, Clojure, Vyper, Bamboo, and Rust.

Solidity is the most popular language used for Ethereum smart contracts. It was created specifically for Ethereum and is influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript.

Solidity is a statically typed language which allows for complex user-defined types and inheritance.

Serpent is the second most popular language used on Ethereum. It was also created specifically for Ethereum and is based on Python.

Serpent is a dynamically typed language which allows for complex user-defined types.

LLL is a low-level Lisp-like language used on Ethereum. LLL was created specifically for Ethereum and is based on the Lisp programming language.

LLL is a statically typed functional programming language which allows for simple user-defined types.

Mutan is a low-level bytecode language used on Ethereum. Mutan was created specifically for Ethereum and is based on the Go programming language.

NOTE: WARNING: Ethereum is a blockchain-based distributed computing platform, and the Ethereum programming language is used to write the code that runs on it. Do not use any other language for writing code for Ethereum, as it could cause serious security risks.

Mutan is a statically typed functional programming language which allows for simple user-defined types.

Clojure is a dialect of the Lisp programming language used on Ethereum. Clojure was created specifically for Ethereum and is based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Clojure is a dynamically typed functional programming language which allows for complex user-defined types.

Vyper is a new experimental programming language used on Ethereum. Vyper was created specifically for Ethereum and is based on the Python 3 programming language.

Vyper is a statically typed functional programming language which does not allow for inheritance or user-defined types.

Bamboo is an experimental domain-specific language used on Ethereum. Bamboo was created specifically for Ethereum and is based on the Haskell programming language.

Bamboo is a statically typed functional programming language which allows for simple user-defined types.

Rust is an experimental systems programminglanguage usedonEthereum .Rustwas notcreated specificallyforEthereum but has been gaining popularity among developers as an alternative to C++ .

Rustis afunctionalprogramminglanguage with an emphasison safety ,speed ,andconcurrency . Rust does not allowforinheritance but does allowfor complex user – defined types .

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