Assets, Ethereum

When Did Ethereum Start Price?

Ethereum started its journey in 2015 when it was first introduced to the world. At that time, Ethereum was priced at $0.30. In the following years, Ethereum saw a lot of price fluctuations. In 2016, Ethereum’s price reached an all-time high of $14. But later in the year, the price crashed and reached a low of $0.

NOTE: WARNING: Before investing in Ethereum, it is important to do research and understand the potential risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency. Investing in Ethereum can be extremely volatile and prices may fluctuate significantly. Be sure to understand the cryptocurrency market and its risks before investing.

63. In 2017, Ethereum’s price started to increase again and reached an all-time high of $1,448 in January 2018. However, the price crashed again and reached a low of $90 in December 2018. Currently, Ethereum is priced at $215.51 (as of June 2020).

So, when did Ethereum start price Ethereum started its journey in 2015 when it was first introduced to the world.

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