Assets, Ethereum

What Is the Ticker Symbol for Ethereum?

The ticker symbol for Ethereum is ETH. ETH is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

ETH is the native currency for the Ethereum platform and is used to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the Ethereum network.

ETH is also used as a unit of account by application developers, smart contract developers, and investors.

NOTE: Warning: Investing in cryptocurrency, such as Ethereum, is highly speculative and carries a large amount of risk. Before investing, you should research and understand the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. Additionally, be aware that the ticker symbol for Ethereum (ETH) is different than other cryptocurrencies and could be confused with similar symbols.

The price of ETH has fluctuated widely since its launch in 2015, but has generally trended upwards as the Ethereum network has grown in popularity and adoption.

As of June 2018, the price of ETH was around $500 USD.

The ticker symbol for Ethereum is ETH. ETH is the native currency for the Ethereum platform and is used to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the Ethereum network. ETH is also used as a unit of account by application developers, smart contract developers, and investors.

The price of ETH has fluctuated widely since its launch in 2015, but has generally trended upwards as the Ethereum network has grown in popularity and adoption. As of June 2018, the price of ETH was around $500 USD.

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