Assets, Bitcoin

What Is the Current Bitcoin Hashrate?

As of July 2019, the current Bitcoin hashrate is 58.54 EH/s, meaning that the Bitcoin network is performing 58.54 quintillion hashes per second. This hashrate is the equivalent of over 62,000 terahashes per second, or over 62 million gigahashes per second.

In other words, the Bitcoin network is currently processing more than 62 million billion hashes every second. The current hashrate is a significant increase from the hashrate of just a year ago, which was only 10.95 EH/s.

The current hashrate is so high because there has been a large influx of new miners joining the network in recent months. This is due to the increasing price of Bitcoin, which has made mining more profitable than it has been in the past.

As more miners join the network and contribute their computing power to mining, the hashrate will continue to increase.

NOTE: WARNING: The current Bitcoin hashrate is subject to frequent change and can be difficult to accurately predict. Therefore, any figures reported on the current hashrate should be treated with caution as they may not reflect the true rate of hashing power at any given time. Additionally, it is important to note that the Bitcoin network is a dynamic system and changes in the hashrate can have significant implications on the performance and security of the system.

The current hashrate is important because it affects the difficulty of mining new blocks. The higher the hashrate, the higher the difficulty. This means that it takes more computing power to mine new blocks, and as a result, miners are rewarded with more bitcoins for their efforts. The current difficulty is 13.

31 TH/s, which is a slight increase from the difficulty of 12.95 TH/s just a month ago.

In conclusion, the current Bitcoin hashrate is 58. This hashrate is equivalent to over 62 million gigahashes per second, and it continues to increase as more miners join the network.

The current hashrate affects the difficulty of mining new blocks, which is currently at 13.31 TH/s.

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