Assets, Ethereum

What Is Crowdsale Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

In 2014, Ethereum’s founders Vitalik Buterin, Gavin Wood and Joseph Lubin launched a crowdfunding campaign to support the development of the Ethereum protocol. They raised over 18 million dollars in ether (the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum), making it the most successful crowdsale in history at that time.

The ether that was raised in the crowdsale was used to finance the development of the Ethereum platform. The Ethereum Foundation, a non-profit organization, was created to manage the funds and support the development of the Ethereum protocol.

Ethereum’s smart contracts are powered by a decentralized network of computers around the world that validate transactions and execute contracts. This network is called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

NOTE: Warning: Crowdsales for Ethereum are high-risk investments and should only be done with caution. It is important to thoroughly research the project and its team before investing, as many projects may not deliver on their promises. Additionally, be sure to understand any associated risks with the investment, such as potential technical issues or legal complications. Investing in a crowdsale carries a significant risk of loss and investors should only invest what they can afford to lose.

The EVM is Turing complete, which means it can run any kind of computation that can be programmed. This makes it possible to build all kinds of applications on top of Ethereum, from simple escrow contracts to complex financial applications and decentralized autonomous organizations.

The EVM is also sandboxed, which means that each contract is isolated from all other contracts and can only interact with them through a well-defined interface. This makes it impossible for one contract to interfere with or tamper with another contract.

Ethereum’s smart contract platform has attracted a lot of attention from developers and businesses around the world. Many companies are building applications on top of Ethereum, and more and more people are using ether to pay for goods and services online.

The Crowdsale Ethereum was a very important moment in the history of Ethereum as it not only raised a lot of money to finance the development of the platform but also created a community of passionate developers and users who are helping to shape the future of Ethereum.

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