Binance, Exchanges

What Is BEP20 Address in Binance?

The BEP20 address is the native bech32 address format for the Binance Chain. Bech32 is a segwit address format that is natively supported by the Binance Chain and allows for lower transaction fees.

The BEP20 address is also backwards compatible with the ERC-20 standard, meaning that any ERC-20 token can be sent to a BEP20 address.

NOTE: This warning note is to inform users that a BEP20 address on Binance is a unique identifier used to receive and send funds from the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It is important to note that these addresses are not compatible with Ethereum addresses, and using the wrong address for transactions could result in the permanent loss of funds. Additionally, users should be aware that some wallets may require extra steps to be taken in order to use a BEP20 address on Binance.

The main advantages of using a BEP20 address are lower transaction fees and improved security. Bech32 addresses are not compatible with ERC-20 wallets, so if you want to use a BEP20 address, you will need to use a Binance Chain wallet.

If you want to use a BEP20 address, you will need to use a wallet that supports the bech32 address format such as Trust Wallet, Atomic Wallet or Math Wallet. These wallets will allow you to generate a BEP20 address and send and receive Binance Chain assets.

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