Binance, Exchanges

What Happens When You Get Liquidated on Binance?

When you get liquidated on Binance, your position is closed automatically at the market price and you are left with nothing. This can happen if the market price falls below your stop loss price or if the price spikes suddenly and your margin is not enough to cover the loss.


Liquidation on Binance can be a risky process. If you are considering liquidating your assets on Binance, please be aware of the following potential consequences:

1. You may lose a significant portion of your funds if the market moves against you during the liquidation process.

2. Liquidation orders are generally filled at prices that are significantly lower than the current market price.

3. Your open positions may be subject to liquidation at any time, even if you have sufficient funds to cover them.

4. There is no guarantee that your position will be successfully closed out before it is liquidated and you may end up losing additional funds due to unfavorable market movements or other factors outside of your control.

5. You may be subject to unexpected fees or charges when liquidating on Binance, such as network fees and platform fees, so please read all related documentation thoroughly before proceeding with any transaction.

By reading this warning note, you acknowledge that you understand the risks associated with liquidating on Binance and that you accept full responsibility for any losses incurred as a result of your actions in this regard.

If you are liquidated, you will have to deposit more money into your account to cover the loss and you may be charged a fee.

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