Assets, Ethereum

What Companies Mine Ethereum?

As of January 2018, over a thousand cryptocurrencies exist, with more than half of them available for purchase on an exchange. Ethereum is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies, ranked second after Bitcoin in terms of market capitalization.

What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.
In addition to being a platform for decentralized applications, Ethereum is also a cryptocurrency.

NOTE: WARNING: Ethereum mining is a complex process that requires a significant investment in hardware, electricity, and cooling equipment. As such, it is important to research Ethereum mining companies thoroughly before investing money in them. Additionally, the profitability of Ethereum mining can be highly volatile and may not be worth the risks associated with it.

Transactions on the Ethereum network are verified by miners who then receive rewards in Ether, the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network. These miners are rewarded based on their share of work done, rather than their share of the total number of blocks mined.

What Companies Mine Ethereum?
There are many companies that mine Ethereum. Some of these companies include:
1. Genesis Mining – Genesis Mining is a large Ether mining operation that has been around since 2013. The company has over 500,000 customers and operates several large mining farms in Iceland, North America, and Europe.
2. Hashflare – Hashflare is a cloud mining service that offers Ether mining contracts starting at $1.20 per 10 GH/s ( gigahashes per second).

Hashflare also offers other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Zcash mining contracts.
3. HIVE Blockchain Technologies – HIVE is a publicly traded company that operates multiple cryptocurrency mining facilities, including an Ether mining farm in Iceland.
4. BitFarms – BitFarms operates several cryptocurrency mining farms in Quebec, Canada totaling over 5 MW (megawatts) of power consumption. The company mines various cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash.

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