Binance, Exchanges

What Companies Does Binance Own?

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2017. The company is based in Malta and has offices in Taiwan, Japan, and the United States.

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world by trading volume.

The company has a number of subsidiaries, including Binance US, Binance Jersey, Binance UK, and Binance Charity Foundation. Binance also has a number of investment arms, such as Binance Labs and Binance Ventures.

Binance US is a cryptocurrency exchange that is geared towards serving the US market. The exchange is operated by a company called BAM Trading Services.

NOTE: WARNING: You should exercise caution when researching the companies that Binance owns, as some of the information you may find online may be outdated or inaccurate. Furthermore, it is important to understand that Binance is a private company and thus may not be required to disclose all information regarding its ownership structure or the companies it owns.

BAM is a subsidiary of Binance.

Binance Jersey is a cryptocurrency exchange that is based in Jersey, Channel Islands. The exchange offers trading in a number of fiat currencies, as well as cryptocurrencies.

Binance UK is a cryptocurrency exchange that is based in the United Kingdom.

Binance Charity Foundation is a charity that was founded by Binance in 2018. The foundation focuses on using blockchain technology to promote social good.

In conclusion, Binance owns a number of companies that are involved in the cryptocurrency space. These include exchanges, investment arms, and a charity foundation.

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