Coinbase, Exchanges

What Coins Are in Coinbase Custody?

As of December 2017, Coinbase Custody held approximately $1.3B in digital assets on behalf of its clients.

The vast majority of these assets are in Bitcoin, with a smaller amount in Ethereum.

Coinbase Custody is a custodian service for institutional investors that want to invest in digital currencies. The service is designed to meet the needs of institutional investors, such as hedge funds, family offices, and sovereign wealth funds.

Coinbase Custody is one of the most popular custodian services for digital assets. The service offers a number of advantages, including:

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase Custody is a digital asset custody service for institutional investors and does NOT offer support for individual retail customers. Coinbase Custody does not store or otherwise manage any coins other than those specifically listed on its website. Customers should be aware of the types of coins supported by Coinbase Custody before using the service. Furthermore, customers should always exercise caution when investing in digital assets, as there is always a risk of loss.

-Security: Coinbase Custody uses state-of-the-art security technologies to protect its clients’ assets.

-Insurance: Coinbase Custody is insured against theft and loss.

-Compliance: Coinbase Custody is compliant with all relevant regulations.

-Storage: Coinbase Custody stores its clients’ assets offline in cold storage.

Coinbase Custody is an attractive option for institutional investors that want to invest in digital currencies. The service offers security, insurance, compliance, and storage services that meet the needs of institutional investors.

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