Assets, Ethereum

Was There an Ethereum ICO?

The Ethereum ICO was held from July to August 2014. The price of ether during the ICO was 2000 ETH per BTC.

The total amount of ETH sold was 60,102 ETH.

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference. Ether is the fuel for operating the distributed application platform.

The Ethereum ICO was held to fund the development of the Ethereum platform. The Ethereum Foundation raised 31,529 BTC, worth about $18 million at the time, in exchange for 60,102 ETH.

The ICO was held over a period of two months, from July to August 2014.

NOTE: WARNING: Be wary of any Ethereum ICOs that you come across. Many ICOs have been scams or have been used to raise funds for illegal activities. Investing in an Ethereum ICO should only be done after thorough research and due diligence. It is important to verify the legitimacy of the project and its team before investing. All investments come with a certain degree of risk and it is important to understand the potential risks associated with any investment before committing funds.

The price of ether during the ICO was 2000 ETH per BTC. The total amount of ETH sold was 60,102 ETH.

The Ethereum Foundation held onto a large portion of the ETH they raised, about 29%, to support future development and ensure that there would be a significant amount of Ether in circulation upon launch. The remaining 71% of ETH was sold to participants in the ICO.

Ethereum launched on July 30, 2015 with 11.9 million ETH mined in the genesis block.

Since launch, Ethereum has grown to become one of the most popular blockchain platforms in use today with a wide range of applications being built on top of it.

Sowas there an Ethereum ICO? Yes, there was an Ethereum ICO and it was held from July to August 2014 in order to fund the development of the Ethereum platform.

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