Coinbase, Exchanges

Is Veracity on Coinbase?

Veracity is not currently on Coinbase. Coinbase is a digital asset exchange company founded in 2012. As of May 2018, they are the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world with over 13 million users. While Veracity is not currently listed on Coinbase, there is a possibility that it could be in the future.

NOTE: This question is not applicable to Coinbase as Veracity is not a digital currency that is listed on Coinbase. It is important to note that Coinbase only lists certain digital currencies and assets on its exchange, and Veracity is not one of them. Accordingly, any attempts to purchase or sell Veracity on Coinbase will not be successful.

Veracity is a new cryptocurrency and it is still early days. It is possible that as Veracity gains more popularity and adoption, Coinbase will list it on their exchange.

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