Binance, Exchanges

Is Sol on Binance Us?

As of September 2019, Sol on Binance US is not available. However, the token may become available in the future as the exchange expands its listings.

For now, investors interested in buying Sol must do so on another exchange.

Binance US is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States. The exchange offers a wide variety of coins and tokens, but it does not currently list Sol.

NOTE: This is a warning to all users of Binance Us:

It is not possible to determine if Sol is available on Binance Us. Sol is a cryptocurrency that may or may not be listed on the exchange, and it is impossible to know without checking the Binance Us website. Therefore, before attempting to purchase or trade Sol on Binance Us, please make sure that it is available on the platform. Failure to do so could result in significant losses.

This may change in the future, but as of September 2019, Sol is not available on Binance US.

Investors interested in buying Sol should do so on another exchange. There are many exchanges that list Sol, so investors should not have trouble finding a place to buy the token.

Once Binance US expands its listings, it is possible that Sol will become available on the exchange. Until then, investors will have to look elsewhere to buy the token.

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