Assets, Ethereum

Is Rinkeby an Ethereum?

Rinkeby is a public Ethereum testnet that uses real ETH. It is one of four Ethereum networks, along with the main Ethereum network, Ropsten, and Kovan.

Rinkeby was created in April 2017 by the team at as an easy way for developers to test their dapps before deploying them to the main Ethereum network. .

NOTE: Rinkeby is not an Ethereum. It is a test network for Ethereum. The Rinkeby network does not have a real Ether currency and therefore does not offer the same security as the main Ethereum network. If you are looking to purchase or trade real Ether, you must use the main Ethereum network.

Yes, Rinkeby is an Ethereum network. It is a public testnet that uses real ETH and was created by the team at Status.


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