Assets, Ethereum

Is Perpetual Protocol on Ethereum?

Perpetual Protocol is a decentralized protocol on Ethereum that enables perpetual futures trading with built-in insurance. It is the first protocol to offer both long and short positions with built-in insurance, meaning that traders can take both bullish and bearish positions without having to worry about the risk of liquidation.

The protocol is designed to be trustless, meaning that it does not require a centralized party to act as an intermediary or counterparty. This reduces the risk of counterparty default and allows for greater transparency and security.

NOTE: WARNING: Perpetual Protocol is an experimental, decentralized protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is important to understand the risks associated with using and investing in this protocol, as it may not be suitable for all users. Please take the time to understand the risks before investing or participating in any activities related to Perpetual Protocol. Additionally, please be aware of potential security issues related to using a decentralized protocol on Ethereum and make sure that you are taking steps to protect yourself and your funds from potential threats.

Perpetual Protocol also features a built-in oracle system that allows for the price of assets to be determined by real-world market data, rather than by a centralized party. This reduces the risk of manipulation and ensures that traders are getting accurate prices.

Overall, Perpetual Protocol is a trustless, decentralized protocol on Ethereum that enables perpetual futures trading with built-in insurance. It is an innovative solution that offers many benefits over traditional centralized exchanges.

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