Assets, Ethereum

Is NBA Top Shot on Ethereum?

Since its inception, the NBA has been a driving force in the world of basketball. With its global reach and influence, the NBA has always been at the forefront of innovation in the sport.

In recent years, the league has embraced digital technology in a big way, and one of its latest ventures is NBA Top Shot.

NBA Top Shot is a new digital collectibles platform that allows fans to buy, sell, and trade official NBA highlights in the form of digital collectibles. The highlight moments are stored on the blockchain, ensuring their authenticity and providing a secure way for fans to trade them.

The platform launched in October 2020 with a limited beta release, and it has already been met with positive reviews from fans and collectors. The fact that the highlights are stored on the blockchain gives collectors peace of mind that their investment is secure, and it also allows for a more transparent market where prices are determined by supply and demand.

NOTE: WARNING: NBA Top Shot is not currently available on Ethereum. It is only available on the Flow blockchain, which is developed and maintained by Dapper Labs and its partners. If you purchase or trade any NBA Top Shot digital collectibles, you should be aware that they are not issued or supported by Ethereum.

One of the most exciting aspects of NBA Top Shot is that it is built on Ethereum, which is one of the most popular and widely used blockchain platforms. This means that the platform has the potential to tap into a vast ecosystem of apps and services that are built on Ethereum.

The fact that NBA Top Shot is built on Ethereum is a big positive for the platform, as it gives it access to a large and growing ecosystem of apps and services. However, there are also some risks associated with building on Ethereum.

One of the biggest risks is that Ethereum is still in development and undergoing constant changes. This can lead to instability and errors, which could potentially jeopardize the collectibles stored on the platform.

Overall, NBA Top Shot is off to a promising start, and its use of Ethereum gives it a lot of potential. However, there are some risks associated with building on Ethereum that need to be considered before investing in any collectibles on the platform.

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