Assets, Ethereum

Is Built on Ethereum? is a decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) platform that enables developers to create and monetize intelligent agents (“Autonomous Economic Agents” or AEA).

The network provides a shared, decentralized infrastructure and computational resources that allow AEA to autonomously interact, communicate and trade with each other in order to discover and deliver optimal outcomes for their users.’s technology is built on top of Ethereum, which provides the platform with a decentralized, trustless infrastructure that is essential for supporting its distributed AI and ML algorithms.’s use of Ethereum also allows the platform to take advantage of Ethereum’s large developer community and existing ecosystem of tools and services.

NOTE: WARNING: is not built on Ethereum. It is built on a custom blockchain platform with its own consensus protocol and smart contract language. Investing in may involve additional risk due to the fact that it is not built on Ethereum and its underlying technology is not as well studied or understood.

The platform is still in development and is not yet live. However, the team has already released a number of demo applications that showcase the potential of the platform. For example, one demo application allows users to search for and book hotel rooms using Fetch.

ai’s intelligent agents. Another demo application enables users to buy and sell energy using’s distributed energy team is made up of experienced AI and blockchain developers who are building a platform that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us.

If they are successful, could become the go-to platform for developing and deploying AI-powered applications.

Yes, is built on Ethereum.

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