Assets, Ethereum

Is Ethereum Legal in Philippines?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

Ethereum is not just a platform but also a programming language (Turing complete) running on a blockchain that helps developers to build and publish distributed applications. The code of these decentralized applications (dApps) is open source and anyone can contribute to their development.

NOTE: WARNING: The legal status of Ethereum in the Philippines is not entirely clear. While some forms of cryptocurrency are allowed, no specific regulations have been issued regarding Ethereum specifically. Therefore, it is strongly advised that individuals should do their own research prior to engaging in any activity related to Ethereum within the Philippines.

The Ethereum blockchain is the basis for a new type of internet, one where users are in control of their own data and applications. It is a completely decentralized platform with no single point of failure.

Ethereum is legal in Philippines. The country has been supportive of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

In February 2018, the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released guidelines for initial coin offerings (ICOs), recognizing them as securities subject to regulation. The SEC also stated that cryptocurrencies are not considered legal tender in the Philippines.

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