Binance, Exchanges

Is DGB a Binance?

Decentralized finance—often called “DeFi”—refers to the shift from traditional, centralized financial systems to peer-to-peer finance enabled by decentralized technologies built on the Ethereum blockchain. From lending and borrowing platforms to stablecoins and tokenized BTC, the DeFi ecosystem has launched an expansive network of integrated protocols and financial instruments.

Now with over $13 billion worth of value locked in Ethereum smart contracts, decentralized finance has emerged as the most active sector in the cryptocurrency space, with a wide range of use cases for individuals, developers, and institutions.

The explosive growth of the DeFi ecosystem can be attributed to a confluence of factors. First, the launch of Ethereum in 2015 created a decentralized platform that enabled developers to launch their own projects and protocols.

NOTE: No, DGB is not a Binance. DGB is an independent digital currency, and Binance is an online cryptocurrency exchange platform. Trading DGB on Binance is possible, but it is important to note that DGB and Binance are separate entities.

Second, the 2017 ICO boom led to a influx of capital into the Ethereum ecosystem, which was then used to fund DeFi projects. Finally, the launch of yield-bearing protocols like Compound and Maker in 2018 unlocked new ways to earn interest on digital assets and paved the way for yield farming—a popular DeFi strategy that involves providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges in exchange for rewards.

The comprehensive list of use cases for decentralized finance protocols has spurred even more adoption and growth. From lending and borrowing platforms that offer competitive interest rates on digital assets to stablecoins that provide a hedge against cryptocurrency volatility, DeFi protocols have something to offer everyone in the cryptocurrency space.

And with new projects launching all the time, the DeFi ecosystem is only going to continue to grow in size and scope.

So is DGB a Binance? The short answer is no. DGB is not a Binance.

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