Assets, Ethereum

If You Have WETH, You Can Unwrap It and Get ETH….How Do You Unwrap Ethereum on OpenSea Using Metamask?

If you have WETH, you can unwrap it and get ETH. Here’s how to do it on OpenSea using Metamask:

NOTE: WARNING: Unwrapping Ethereum on OpenSea is an irreversible process and should be done with caution. Before unwrapping Ethereum, make sure you understand the implications of this action, including the loss of all Ether (ETH) held in Wrapped Ether (WETH). Additionally, make sure you understand the risks associated with using Metamask as your wallet provider.

1. Go to the “WETH/ETH” page on OpenSea.
2. In the “Unwrap WETH” section, select the amount of WETH you want to unwrap and click “Unwrap WETH”.

A modal will appear asking you to confirm the transaction. Click “Confirm” to continue.
4. That’s it! Your WETH will be converted to ETH and sent to your wallet.

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