Assets, Ethereum

How to Send Ether (ETH) to an External Ethereum Address?

Assuming you already have an Ethereum address set up and funded, sending Ethereum is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Go to the ‘Send Ether & Tokens’ page on

2. Unlock your wallet via Keystore / JSON File, MetaMask / Mist, or Mnemonic Phrase.

3. Enter the amount of ETH you want to send in the ‘Amount to Send’ field.

You can also specify the gas limit and gas price here if you want.

4. Paste the recipient’s Ethereum address in the ‘To Address’ field.

5. Click the ‘Generate Transaction’ button and sign the transaction with your private key or MetaMask/Mist.

6. Click the ‘Send Transaction’ button and wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

That’s it! The recipient should now have the ETH in their account.

NOTE: WARNING: Sending ETH to an external Ethereum address is a permanent and irreversible action. Before sending your ETH, be sure to double-check the address you are sending it to and make sure that it is correct. If you were to send your ETH to the wrong address, it may be lost forever.

If you want to send ETH to an external Ethereum address, make sure you have an Ethereum address set up and funded first. Then, follow these steps:
3. You can also specify the gas limit and gas price here if you want.

6. That’s it! The recipient should now have the ETH in their account.

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