Binance, Exchanges

How to Get Binance API Prices in Python at a Precise Time?

Python is a versatile language that you can use on the backend, frontend, or full stack of a web application. In this article, I’ll show you how to get Binance API prices in Python at a precise time.

First, you’ll need to install the requests library. You can do this with pip:

pip install requests

Once that’s done, you can make a request to the Binance API like so:

import requests

url = “”

params = {

“symbol”: “BTCUSDT”

response = requests.get(url, params=params)

data = response.json()


NOTE: Warning: Precise timing of Binance API prices in Python may not be available due to latency and other technical issues. It is recommended to use other methods such as real-time data sources to obtain accurate pricing information. Additionally, it is important to ensure that your code is updated regularly with the latest version of the Binance API in order to ensure accuracy.

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