Assets, Ethereum

How Much Would It Cost to 51 Attack Ethereum?

It would cost $2.6 million to 51 attack Ethereum today. This is because Ethereum has a hashrate of around 250 TH/s, which means that an attacker would need to control 251 TH/s to have majority control of the network. However, the cost of attacking Ethereum is constantly changing because the hashrate of the network is constantly increasing.

NOTE: Warning: A 51 attack on Ethereum is an attack on the network in which an attacker or group of attackers has more than 50% of the computing power of the network. This would allow them to control the network, invalidate transactions, stop miners from mining and double-spend coins. As a result, it could be extremely costly to execute a 51 attack on Ethereum. The cost could include significant hardware costs and high electricity bills due to the power needed to perform such an attack. Additionally, there is no guarantee of success for such an attack.

For example, if the hashrate of Ethereum increases to 500 TH/s, then it would cost $5.2 million to 51 attack the network.

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