Assets, Ethereum

How Much Ethereum Can I Mine With a GTX 1060?

As of July 2019, Ethereum miners can expect to earn around $0.26 per day with a GTX 1060.

This is after taking into account electricity costs. Prices may vary depending on your location, power usage, and other factors.

Assuming you have a GTX 1060, you can expect to mine the following amounts of Ethereum over different time periods:

NOTE: Warning: Mining Ethereum with a GTX 1060 is not a reliable or efficient way to mine the cryptocurrency. The device is not powerful enough to generate a significant amount of Ethereum in a reasonable amount of time and will likely result in high electricity costs due to the device’s power consumption. It may also cause damage to the GPU or other components of your computer. We strongly recommend looking into other ways of mining Ethereum that are more cost effective and efficient.

-In one day, you will mine 0.00696 ETH
-In one week, you will mine 0.0487 ETH
-In one month, you will mine 0.

2091 ETH
-In six months, you will mine 1.2546 ETH
-In one year, you will mine 2.4531 ETH.

Of course, these numbers can change depending on the value of Ethereum, the difficulty of mining, and other factors. But based on current conditions, a GTX 1060 can be expected to mine around $0.

26 worth of Ethereum each day.

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