Coinbase, Exchanges

How Much Do You Make Working at Coinbase?

As of May 2021, the average salary for Coinbase employees is $119,973 per year. Coinbase employees with the job title Software Engineer make the most with an average annual salary of $159,136, while employees with the title Customer Service Representative (CSR) make the least with an average annual salary of $48,377.

The median salary for Coinbase employees is $125,560 per year. The top 25% of Coinbase employees earn an average of $158,369 per year, while the bottom 25% of Coinbase employees earn an average of $49,380 per year.

Coinbase salaries are based on a variety of factors including but not limited to experience level, education level, job position, and location. For software engineers at Coinbase, location appears to be a major factor in salary levels.

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase does not publicly disclose the salaries of its employees. Making an assumption about the salary of a Coinbase employee based on public information is not advised and may be inaccurate. Additionally, any attempts to obtain salary information from a current or former Coinbase employee may be in violation of company policy and could result in disciplinary action.

Engineers in San Francisco earn an average salary of $172,716 per year while those in New York earn an average of $156,532 per year.

The job position of customer service representative is the Lowest paying position at Coinbase with an average salary of just $48,377 per year. This is likely due to the fact that customer service representatives are typically entry-level positions.

In conclusion, salaries at Coinbase vary widely depending on factors such as job position and location. However, overall, Coinbase employees earn a very competitive salary compared to other companies in the same industry.

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