Assets, Ethereum

How Do You Start Mining Ethereum With Ethminer?

To start mining Ethereum with Ethminer, you need to have a computer with an AMD or NVIDIA graphics card. You also need to have the latest version of Ethminer installed on your computer.

Once you have all of that, you can start mining Ethereum by running the following command:

ethminer -G -F

Replace “your_wallet_address” with your actual Ethereum wallet address.

The “-G” flag tells Ethminer to use your graphics card for mining. The “-F” flag tells Ethminer to use the pool at http://eth-pool.

NOTE: Warning: Ethereum mining is a complicated process that requires specialized knowledge, hardware, and software. Before attempting to mine Ethereum with Ethminer, it is important to understand the risks involved and make sure you have the necessary resources available. There is no guarantee of success when it comes to mining cryptocurrency, so it is important to proceed with caution. Additionally, make sure your computer is equipped with a reliable cooling system as the process of mining Ethereum can generate significant heat.


You can also specify how many threads you want to use for mining with the “-t” flag. For example, if you wanted to use four threads, you would use the “-t 4” flag.

Once you start mining, you will see your hashrate displayed in the terminal window. You can also view your current and estimated earnings on the pool website.

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