Binance, Exchanges

How Do I View My Open Orders in Binance?

It’s easy to view your open orders in Binance. Just go to the “Orders” page and you’ll see all your open orders listed there.

NOTE: WARNING: Trading cryptocurrencies carries a high risk of financial loss. Please ensure that you understand the risks before making any trades. Additionally, it is important to note that Binance does not provide any guarantees or warranties with regards to performance, accuracy or completeness of information regarding open orders. It is your responsibility to monitor your orders and make sure that they are being executed as desired. Finally, please remember to use caution when viewing or trading on Binance and always conduct research before investing in any digital asset.

You can view the details of each order, including the price, quantity, and status. If you want to cancel an order, just click the “Cancel” button.

You can also view your closed orders on the “Orders” page. Just click the “Closed Orders” tab and you’ll see all your closed orders listed there. If you want to re-open a closed order, just click the “Re-open” button.

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