Binance, Exchanges

How Do I Log Into Binance Without Google Authenticator?

Assuming you already have a Binance account (if not, here’s a link to create one), there are only a few steps to log in without using Google Authenticator.

First, go to the Binance website and click on the “Log In” button in the top right corner.

Second, enter your email address and password into the login form and click the “Log In” button.

NOTE: WARNING: Logging into Binance without Google Authenticator can be risky and makes your account vulnerable to security threats. We strongly recommend that you use Google Authenticator for the safest and most secure access to your Binance account.

Third, you will be prompted to enter your 2-Factor Authentication code. However, since you don’t have Google Authenticator set up, click on the “Forgot code?” link.

Fourth, enter your email address again and click the “Send Code” button. Binance will send you an email with a 6-digit code which you will need to enter on the next screen.

Fifth, after entering the code from the email, you will be able to log into your Binance account without using Google Authenticator!

If you don’t have a Binance account yet and want to try this out, sign up here. And if you want to learn more about 2-Factor Authentication and how to set it up with Google Authenticator, check out this article.

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