Binance, Exchanges

How Do I Get a Google Verification Code for a Binance?

Google verification codes are used to verify your identity when you sign up for certain online services. When you sign up for a new account with Binance, you may be asked to provide a Google verification code as part of the process.

There are a few different ways that you can get a Google verification code for Binance. The most common way is to use the Google Authenticator app.

This app can generate codes even if you don’t have an Internet connection.

NOTE: WARNING: Google Verification Codes are used to verify the identity of a user when logging into an account. If you are attempting to get a Google Verification Code for your Binance account, be aware that this is not a secure method of verifying your identity and is not recommended by Binance or Google. It is highly recommended that you use another form of two-factor authentication.

If you don’t have the Google Authenticator app, you can also get a verification code from your email account. To do this, sign in to your Gmail account and open the message from Binance that contains your verification code.

The code will be in the subject line of the email.

Once you have your verification code, simply enter it into the Binance sign up page and you’ll be all set! If you have any trouble, feel free to reach out to Binance customer support for assistance.

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