Binance, Exchanges

How Do I Find Transaction History on Binance?

Assuming you’re referring to the history of your own account transactions on Binance:

1. Log in to your Binance account.
2. On the top bar, find the “Funds” dropdown menu and hover over it. A dropdown menu will appear with several options.

Click on “History.” This will take you to a page that displays all your account’s recent history, including deposits, withdrawals, and trades.
4. To filter this history, you can use the dropdown menus at the top of the page to select a time period, asset type, or status (e.g., completed, cancelled, etc.).

NOTE: WARNING: Before attempting to access the transaction history on Binance, be sure that you are logged into the correct account and that you have the correct credentials. It is also important to make sure that you are on the official Binance website and not a malicious copycat site. When accessing your transaction history, be sure to take extra precautions to protect your personal information from being stolen.

finding transaction history on Binance is pretty straightforward: just go to the “History” page after logging into your account. From there, you can use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down your search by time period, asset type, or status.

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