Assets, Ethereum

How Do I Check My Ethereum Paper Wallet Balance?

Assuming you’ve already generated an Ethereum paper wallet, there are two ways to check the balance of your wallet:

1. Using an Ethereum block explorer

2. Using the MyEtherWallet web interface

Using an Ethereum block explorer

The easiest way to check the balance of your Ethereum paper wallet is to use an Ethereum block explorer. A block explorer is a tool that allows you to view all the transactions that have taken place on the Ethereum blockchain.

NOTE: WARNING: Checking the balance of an Ethereum paper wallet requires access to the private key. If someone else has access to this key, they will also have access to your funds. Therefore, it is important to keep the private key secure and away from potential hackers or malicious actors. Additionally, always double-check that the address you are sending funds to matches the one listed on the paper wallet before proceeding with a transaction.

To use a block explorer, simply enter your wallet’s public address into the search bar. Once you do this, you will be able to see all the transactions that have been made to and from your wallet.

From here, you can easily see your current balance.

Using the MyEtherWallet web interface

Another way to check the balance of your Ethereum paper wallet is by using the MyEtherWallet web interface. MyEtherWallet is a free, open-source ETH wallet that can be used to send and receive ETH.

To use MyEtherWallet, simply enter your wallet’s public address into the search bar.

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