Assets, Ethereum

Does Trezor Wallet Support Ethereum?

Trezor was created as a Bitcoin-only wallet, but it has since evolved to support other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash. While Trezor does support these altcoins, there are some important things to keep in mind when using Trezor with Ethereum.

First, Trezor only supports ETH and ERC20 tokens that use the same address format as ETH. This means that your Trezor will only work with wallets that use the “standard” Ethereum address format (beginning with 0x).

Second, Trezor does not yet support contracts or transactions that require more than one signature. This means that you will not be able to use your Trezor with wallets that require a multisig setup.

NOTE: Warning: Although Trezor Wallet does have the capability to store Ethereum, it is not officially supported by Trezor. If you choose to store Ethereum on your Trezor wallet, you do so at your own risk as there may be security vulnerabilities or other technical issues that are not addressed by the manufacturer.

Finally, it’s important to note that Trezor is a hot wallet. This means that your private keys are stored on the device itself and are vulnerable to attack if the device is lost or stolen.

For this reason, it’s important to only store small amounts of ETH on your Trezor and to keep a backup of your seed phrase in a safe place.

Overall, Trezor is a great option for storing ETH and other cryptocurrencies. However, there are some important limitations to keep in mind when using Trezor with Ethereum.

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