Assets, Ethereum

Does ETCG Follow Ethereum?

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, fraud or third party interference.

ETC is a continuation of the original Ethereum blockchain – the classic version preserving untampered history; free from external interference and subjective tampering of transactions.

Just like Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic is built on a blockchain that allows developers to create and deploy decentralized applications. Both networks also use ether as their native cryptocurrency.

NOTE: WARNING: Does ETCG Follow Ethereum? is a misleading statement. Ethereum Classic Global (ETCG) is not affiliated with Ethereum, and as such, it does not automatically follow the same rules, regulations and technology of Ethereum. Investing in both currencies carries different risks and rewards. Please do your own research before investing in either currency.

However, there are a few key differences between ETH and ETC. For one, Ethereum Classic has a lower market cap and less developer activity than Ethereum.

Additionally, ETC uses a different proof-of-work algorithm (Ethash) than ETH (which is moving to proof-of-stake). Finally, Ethereum Classic has a different governance model than Ethereum, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

So, does ETC follow Ethereum? In short, yes. While there are some key differences between the two networks, at the end of the day they are both based on the same underlying technology and philosophy.

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