Assets, Ethereum

Does Ark Invest in Ethereum?

Yes, Ark Invest does invest in Ethereum. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

NOTE: Warning: Investing in any asset carries risk. Investing in Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency is speculative and carries a high degree of risk. Before investing in Ethereum, please be sure to do your own research about the asset and its associated risks.

Ethereum is one of the most promising technologies to come out in recent years, and has been lauded by some as the “next Internet.” While still in its early stages, Ethereum has the potential to completely disrupt many industries, including banking, finance, and even the Internet itself.

Ark Invest’s decision to invest in Ethereum is a vote of confidence in the platform’s long-term potential. With Ark Invest’s backing, Ethereum is well positioned to become a major force in the years to come.

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