Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology developed in 2016 by Mance Harmon and leemon Baird. The project is overseen by the Hashgraph Council, a body of 39 members including corporations, venture capitalists, and academia.
The native cryptocurrency of the Hedera network is called HBAR.
Hedera claims to be faster, more secure, and more scalable than other blockchains. Compared to Ethereum, Hedera has a few advantages.
Hedera is faster than Ethereum. Hedera can handle 10,000 transactions per second compared to Ethereum’s 15 transactions per second.
This makes Hedera a better choice for applications that need to process large amounts of data quickly.
Hedera is more secure than Ethereum. Hedera uses a Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus algorithm which means that it can tolerate up to 33% of malicious nodes on the network without compromising security.
Ethereum uses a Proof of Work consensus algorithm which is less secure since it only requires 51% of nodes to be honest in order for the network to function properly.
Hedera is more scalable than Ethereum. Hedera uses sharding which allows the network to process more transactions simultaneously.
Ethereum does not use sharding so it can only process a limited number of transactions at any given time. This makes Hedera a better choice for applications that require high throughput.
Overall, Hedera seems to be a better choice than Ethereum for most applications. However, there are still some limitations to consider such as the fact that Hedera is not yet live and is not compatible with existing Ethereum applications.