Assets, Bitcoin

Can You Send Bitcoin Immediately on Coinbase?

If you’re new to Coinbase and want to start using Bitcoin, you may be wondering if you can send Bitcoin immediately on Coinbase. The answer is yes! You can absolutely send Bitcoin immediately on Coinbase, and in fact, it’s quite easy to do. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Log into your Coinbase account and go to the “Send/Receive” page.

2. On the “Send/Receive” page, select “Bitcoin” as the asset you want to send.

3. Enter the amount of Bitcoin you want to send in the “Amount” field.

4. In the “Recipient” field, enter the wallet address of the person or organization you’re sending Bitcoin to.

5. Optional: Enter a description of the transaction in the “Description” field.

This is for your own records and is not visible to the recipient.

6. Click “Send Now.”

That’s it! These are the simple steps you need to follow in order to send Bitcoin on Coinbase. Just remember that when sending Bitcoin, the transaction will usually take around 10 minutes to confirm on the network.

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