Assets, Ethereum

Can You Mine Ethereum on a Raspberry Pi 4?

Yes, You Can Mine Ethereum on a Raspberry Pi 4

If you’re looking for a low cost way to get started in mining Ethereum, then the Raspberry Pi 4 is a great choice. This credit card sized computer is incredibly powerful for its size and can be used to mine Ethereum effectively.

The Raspberry Pi 4 is powered by a Quad-core Cortex-A72 CPU running at 1.5GHz and comes with 4GB of RAM.

This makes it much more powerful than the earlier Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, which was only able to mine at around 15 MH/s. With the Raspberry Pi 4, you can expect to see speeds of around 30 MH/s when mining Ethereum.

To get started, you’ll need to purchase a few items. First, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi 4 and a power supply.

Next, you’ll need an SD card with the Raspbian OS installed on it. Finally, you’ll need a USB ASIC miner.

NOTE: WARNING: Mining Ethereum on a Raspberry Pi 4 is not recommended due to the fact that the computing power of a Raspberry Pi 4 is not enough to mine Ethereum efficiently. Even if mining is possible, it will be slow and inefficient, and you may end up losing more money in electricity costs than you would gain in mining rewards.

Once you have all of your equipment, you’ll need to set up your Raspberry Pi 4. First, connect your USB ASIC miner to one of the USB ports on the Raspberry Pi 4.

Next, insert your SD card into the SD card slot on the Raspberry Pi 4. Finally, connect your power supply to the micro USB port on the Raspberry Pi 4.

Now that your Raspberry Pi 4 is set up and plugged in, you’re ready to start mining Ethereum! To do this, you’ll need to use SSH to connect to your Raspberry Pi 4 and then enter the following commands:

cd cgminer-3.7.2-linux-arm64 ./configure –enable-scrypt –enable-gridseed make ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://YOUR_POOL_ADDRESS:YOUR_PORT -u YOUR_WORKER_NAME -p YOUR_PASSWORD

Replace “YOUR_POOL_ADDRESS” with the address of your Ethereum mining pool, “YOUR_PORT” with the port number of your mining pool, “YOUR_WORKER_NAME” with your worker name on your mining pool, and “YOUR_PASSWORD” with your password on your mining pool.

Once you enter these commands, cgminer will start mining for Ethereum! You can view your hashrate by visiting YOUR_POOL_ADDRESS:YOUR_PORT in a web browser. Congratulations, you are now mining Ethereum on your Raspberry Pi 4!.

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