Binance, Exchanges

Can You Buy Banano on Binance?

Banano is a cryptocurrency that is currently available on the Binance exchange. You can buy Banano with either Binance Coin (BNB) or Tether (USDT). The current price of Banano is $0.0017 USD.

The market capitalization of Banano is $24,608,388 USD. The circulating supply of Banano is 14,074,583,344 BAN. Banano is ranked at #187 on .

The 24 hour trading volume of Banano is $2,209,071 USD. Banano has a total supply of 25,000,000,000 BAN. The maximum supply of Banano is infinite. Banano was created on April 18th, 2018.

NOTE: Warning: Buying Banano on Binance is not officially supported by the Banano team. Furthermore, any purchases made on Binance are not covered by the Banano team and may carry a risk of loss. It is recommended to only buy Banano from official sources such as the official Banano website or authorized resellers.

The founder of Banano is unknown. The website for Banano is

Can You Buy Banano on Binance?

Yes, you can buy Banano on Binance with either Binance Coin (BNB) or Tether (USDT).

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