Assets, Ethereum

Are There Limited Ethereum Coins?

There are currently over 97 million ETH coins in circulation, with a total supply of just over 110 million. There is no hard limit on the total supply of ETH, but it is often said that there will only ever be around 120 million ETH in existence.

This number is not set in stone, however, and could change if the Ethereum protocol is ever changed to allow for a higher supply.

The vast majority of ETH coins are held by individual investors, with only a small percentage held by exchanges and other institutions. It is estimated that around 10% of all ETH coins are held on exchanges, with the rest held in wallets by individuals.

NOTE: WARNING: Ethereum coins are NOT limited in number. The total supply of Ether is unlimited and new Ether is created on a continuous basis. Therefore, it is important to be aware that Ethereum coins are not limited and can be created at any time.

The ICO boom of 2017 led to a huge influx of new ETH investors, many of whom were buying ETH for the first time. This had a major impact on the price of ETH, which rose from around $8 in early 2017 to over $1,400 by the end of the year.

Since then, the price of ETH has fallen back down to around $200, but the total supply of ETH has continued to grow as more and more coins are mined each day. It is estimated that there are now over 14 million ETH wallets in existence.

So, while there is no hard limit on the total supply of ETH coins, it is unlikely that the actual number will ever exceed 120 million. The vast majority of these coins are held by individual investors, with only a small percentage held by exchanges and other institutions.

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